

Tying Loose Ends

Arlene Abuel Ariston
August 08, 2010

It’s another beautiful Sunday, a little cloudy outside with rain showers in between. Sundays are always spent with the family. It’s one of those days that the hubby, my two kids and I always look forward to. Breakfast seems quite long during Sunday mornings and sharing thoughts and news over a cup of coffee and hot pan de sal seems to be the accepted ritual. I love Sundays and I try to catch up on the morning mass on TV before we attend the 9am mass at the church near our village. I find great joy just hanging around bookstores, having a siomai fix or simply lazing in the garden playing with our two dogs and our new puppy.

I was greatly touched by Fr. Orbos’ homily – travel light, let go of the excess baggage, do not fear, trust in God. How many of us cannot let go of our emotional insecurities, our financial worries, our fears of the unknown? How many of us are concerned about having less in life and yet we are still happy because we have enough faith in God? Most of us are fixated on material things that we sometimes forget that life is not all measured by what you have. Life could be whimsical at times, or perhaps full of angst but the best things come when we learn to trust and let go.

The past year, my journey has been one long road of struggle and pain. Among friends and family, I’ve learned to accept things and go with the flow. “Where life takes me Lord, I will follow”. Two weeks ago, hubby and I enjoyed sharing with one of my friends. We’ve been friends for more than three decades and I am happy that after all these years, we have managed to maintain the friendship. Sr. Thea, FMM is a Franciscan nun and she is also a cancer survivor like me. One thing that I remembered well that she shared was this, being sick give us the privilege of making our self closer to the Lord. Yes, I do believe that too. Fr. Orbos said in his homily said that illness is also a blessing because we are given the chance to prepare ourselves to meet our Maker. How true! Reality hurts sometime , but the more life throws at you, the more you become stronger. Next week, I am again scheduled to go back to my urologist for removal of the DJ stent which they inserted when I was hospitalized last May. My latest kidney ultrasound shows that the stones are still there.

“Lord, let my stay at the operating room be quick and painless, hold my hand while I am in there “. That’s all I asked for today at least. And for my dear friends out there, will you include me in your prayers? Thank you!

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