



Catholic News Service

Catholic Relief Services

Real Catholic TV

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Defenders of the Catholic Faith 

Catholic Answers

New Advent Catholic Supersite

Catholic Culture (formerly Petersnet.Net)

EWTN Global Catholic Network

Vatican Radio

Zenit - The World Seen from Rome

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Manila

Human Life International

Prolife Philippines

American Life League

Think Chastity


Catholic Educator's Resource Center

Catholic Outlook: A Protestant's Guide to the Catholic Church

First Things

Catholic World News

Interdisciplinary Encyclopaedia of Religion and Science

Daily English Mass on the net

Access to Catholic Social Justice Teaching
An online directory of over 1,250 websites related to social justice as taught by the Church. These website categories include current teachings, correct practice, spirituality, and more. This directory includes only sites faithful to the Magesterium.

Catholic America Today
Catholic America Today is where writers speak about being Catholic and a site where other Catholics come together to meet other Catholics for Fellowship and deep long lasting friendships. Our News section is Free, along with our profiles, become part of our family and join, all you need is an email. Log in now and try us out. To join our community is fee based for full benefits but to become part of the community is free. A fee allows us to keep up the quality of the site.

Catholic Blogs
Search thousands of articles from Catholic blogs, or browse the directory. Hundreds of articles added daily.

Catholic Blogs - Mobile Edition
CatholicBlogs.com optimized for mobile devices.

Catholic News Agency
One of the fastest growing Catholic news providers to the English speaking world. CNA strives to provide free, up-to-the-minute news affecting the Universal Church, giving particular emphasis to the words of the Holy Father and happenings of the Holy See, to any person with access to the internet.

Catholic News Archive
Search or browse Catholic news from a number of sources, all from one page.

Catholic World News
Catholic World News is an independent organization staffed by lay journalists dedicated to providing accurate world news written from a distinctively Catholic perspective. We have correspondents in Rome, London, and Washington. Subsribe to receive our Daily News Briefs.

Find access to leading Catholic magazines and newspapers, papal encyclicals, Church documents, helpful devotional services - all in a new, smartly-designed and streamlined format. Features the latest Catholic news from around the world, straight from the highly-regarded, Rome-based Zenit News Service. You get their guarantee that the content will be 100% in accord with the teachings of the Pope and the living Magisterium of the Church.

Catholic source for news, information and resources to re-evangalize and support families. Excellent youth section. Priest's page, links, prayers and doctrine.

L'Osservatore Romano
The Vatican Information Service is an official news service of the Holy See Press Office, providing information on the Magisterium and pastoral activities of the Holy Father and the Roman Curia, in English, Spanish, French, and Italian, at least eight hours prior to its publication in the commercial press.

myCatholic.com - Customizable Catholic Homepage
Catholic web portal that allows users to choose their own content, layout, and preferences. Offers daily Mass readings, reflections, news, the Catechism, tools, and more.

National Catholic Register
The news the secular media doesn't want you to see from the nation's premier Catholic weekly newspaper. Every week the Register gives you the real scoop on the issues and concerns you care about. It connects you with pro-active Catholics who share your values, know your struggles, and -- like you -- are living the Gospel every day!

The Journey
The main feature of Join My Journey is a daily meditation based on Scripture from each day's Liturgy. These meditations are written by several secular religious, Catholic clergymen and other experienced Catholic writers. Additionally, articles are presented about current events that affect the Catholic Church and its mission.

Views from Rome
Reports on current events in politics, culture and religion. Views from Rome offers itself as a source of information at the service of the truth and networking among all those who uphold principles and institutiones of Christian Civilization.

World Mission Magazine
International missionary magazine, published from Asia, featuring news, analysis, reflections and more from the 5 continents. Fosters a missionary spirit in Catholics worldwide, engages in evangelization through the media.

News agency with a focus on the Catholic Church and the Vatican.

San Roque Cathedral - Ministry of Altar Servers Diocese of Caloocan, Philippines