

The Greatest Surprise by Rev. Fr. Raul Tabaranza, MCCJ


by Rev. Fr. Raul Tabaranza, MCCJ

The author is a Filipino Comboni missionary priest in the Chipata diocese of Zambia. He is originally from Sibutad, Zamboanga del Norte.

In one part of my retreat, I sat down on the ground feeling the touch of nature. Meditating the directions today, I wrote this reflection.

God is interested in me! This line really gives me some kind of excitement. I must be very dear to Him, He bothers Himself about me! God created heaven and earth. He puts His finger on them. God spent most of His time for man (Raul) and crowned him with glory, honor and beauty. Isn’t it very surprising?

Frankly speaking, as I write in my journals, I am always writing my surprises for many things. My soul is that of great honor. His glory is for me. Why? Who am I? What have I done that He has made me less that like Him?

I am astonished, amazed of this great favor given to my soul. It is unbelievable, but it is there. I trust and put aside my disbelief. Something is happening in my life, something miraculous is going on in my life, and only the Lord knows what. I just feel that everything is happening with special reasons.

I am like Mary, upon annunciation from the angel Gabriel, asked in great awe: How could this be? Yet, she believes. God is continuously creating and refashioning my whole being, even in moments of dryness and difficulties. Even in moments of complete darkness and I seemed like staying in the dungeon.

Everyday in my life is Sabbath. Everyday is God’s day! Like God, I have to work, I have to attend my people; to go to small Christian communities, to visit the outstations, celebrate the Eucharist and perform ministries with generosity. But like God, I have to rest. I have to put things down into His care.

At the end of the day, when I sit down, I always have to see my day’s events; to be with Him and make some inventories, to have that perspective once again, to be grateful for the countless blessings. I am a mere human being, one day I will vanish, but I want to go back to Him and face Him, and for Him to tell me that I did well, and that I remained a happy ad cheerful missionary.

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